Investor FAQs

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When did PolyPid Ltd. incorporate and in what country?

PolyPid Ltd. was incorporated in 2008 in the State of Israel.

Where is PolyPid located?

PolyPid Ltd. is located at 18 Hasivim Street, Petach Tikva 4959376, Israel and the fully owned subsidiary PolyPid Inc. is located at Suite 302A, 47 Maple Street, Summit, NJ 07901. 

When did PolyPid Ltd. go public?

PolyPid Ltd. went public on 26th June, 2020.

What exchange is PolyPid’s stock traded on? What is your stock symbol?

PolyPid Ltd. is traded on The Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol PYPD.

What is PolyPid Ltd.'s fiscal year-end?

PolyPid Ltd. 's fiscal year ends on December 31st.

How do I buy shares of PolyPid Ltd.?

Shares of PolyPid can be purchased through a broker or stock purchase service of your preference.

Can I buy stock directly from PolyPid Ltd.?

No, PolyPid Ltd. does not have a direct stock purchase program.

Do you anticipate paying a dividend?

The company has not paid any dividends to its stockholders since its inception and does not plan to pay any cash dividends in the foreseeable future.

Who is PolyPid’s’ transfer agent, and how do I contact them?

The transfer agent and registrar for our ordinary shares is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC. You can contact our transfer agent by email at and by telephone at (800) 937-5449 or (718) 921-8124.

Who is PolyPid’s Auditor?
KOST FORER GABBAY & KASIERER A Member of Ernst & Young Global
Who is PolyPid’s Legal Counsel?

Cooley LLP (US) and Sullivan & Worcester (Israel)

How can I get copies of financial documents on the company, including annual reports (Form 20-F)?

Annual Reports and other investor materials are available under the SEC Filings page of the Investors section of the corporate website. Additionally, all SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC website (

How do I find out about upcoming events?
Please see our Event and Presentations page.
Where can I find more information on Polypid's R&D programs?

You can view Polypid’s R&D plans by visiting the Pipeline section ( of our website.


PolyPid’s PLEX targeted drug delivery platform enables localized, controlled, continuous release of medication over prolonged periods of time for better patient outcomes.

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Provides safe and effective local antibiotic protection against SSI (surgical Site Infection) at the needed tissues or organs by administration during surgical procedures.

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Comprised of antibiotic eluting ß tri-calcium phosphate (ßTCP) granules, designed for bone related infections applications.

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